Robert Cohen - Dear Mrs. Roosevelt, Książki USA

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Dear Mrs. Roosevelt
Letters from Children of the Great Depression
Edited by
robert cohen
the university of north carolina press Chapel Hill & London
© 2002
The University of North Carolina Press
All rights reserved
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Library of Congress
Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Dear Mrs. Roosevelt: letters from children of the Great
Depression / edited by Robert Cohen.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
isbn 0-8078-2747-9 (alk. paper)—
isbn 0-8078-5413-1 (pbk.: alk. paper)
1. Roosevelt, Eleanor, 1884–1962—Correspondence.
2. Presidents’ spouses—United States—
Correspondence. 3. Children—United States—
Correspondence. 4. Poor children—United
States—Correspondence. 5. United States—
History—1933–1945—Sources. 6. Depressions—
1929—United States—Personal narratives. 7. United
States—Politics and government—1933–1945—
Sources. 8. United States—Social conditions—1933–
1945—Sources. 9. Children—United States—Social
conditions—20th century—Sources. 10. Children’s
writings, American. I. Cohen, Robert (Robby)
II. Roosevelt, Eleanor, 1884–1962.
e807.1.r48 d43 2002
973.917'092—dc21 2002006409
cloth 06 05 04 03 02 54321
paper 06 05 04 03 02 54321
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