Robin Law - From Slave Trade to 'Legitimate' Commerce, Historia(2)(1)

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During the nineteenth century, the trans-Atlantic slave trade was made
illegal and eventually suppressed, and superseded by alternative forms
of 'legitimate' trade with western Africa, especially in vegetable products
such as palm oil. This commercial transition marks the beginning of the
modern economic history of the region.
This book considers the implications of that process for the African
societies involved, through ten case-studies written by leading specialists
in the field. These studies address the central issue of continuity and
change in economic structures, and critically assess the argument that
the transition posed a 'crisis of adaptation' for African rulers by under-
mining their control over the income from overseas trade. Also high-
lighted are the effects of transition on slavery and gender relations
within Africa and its links to the growth of European imperialism,
culminating in the Partition of Africa at the end of the nineteenth
century. The book is a major contribution to the interpretation of
nineteenth-century African history.
From slave trade to legitimate' commerce
African Studies Series 86
Editorial Board
Professor Naomi Chazan,
The Harry S. Truman Research Institute for
the Advancement of Peace, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Professor Christopher Clapham,
Department of Politics and Interna-
tional Relations, Lancaster University
Professor Peter Ekeh,
Department of African American Studies, State
University of New York, Buffalo
Dr John Lonsdale,
Trinity College, Cambridge
Professor Patrick Manning,
Department of History, Northeastern Uni-
versity, Boston
Published in collaboration with
A list of books in this series will be found at the end of the volume.
From slave trade to
'legitimate' commerce
The commercial transition in nineteenth-
century West Africa
Papers from a conference of the
Centre of Commonwealth Studies,
University of Stirling
Edited by
Robin Law
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